Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Angles are everything....

So I spent much of the last two days baking, filling and frosting the four layers that will make up this wedding cake.  It is an almond chiffon cake with orang curd and almond buttercream.  The cake is a very traditional and elegant French cake and is very flavorful.  I have never created a cake this big, so this has been a challenge.  Now that they are finally frosted and filled, we will begin decorating tomorrow.  They are in the freezer overnight to get them ready for the finishing touches.

The cakes are coated in a delicious almond buttercream that will keep them moist and provides a delicious accompaniment to the cake.  Getting all of the edges square is quite a challenge and is what you spend most of your time doing.  It is definitely a skill, and photos of the four layers are below in order from the top down.  We will get them ready to stand together tomorrow.  The top layer is 6 " in diameter and the bottom is a 14" square.  This cake probably feeds 130 people.

We also worked more on these roses that will become part of the decoration as well and are fun to make.  I am learning so much and am excited to see it come together.  Here are the centers of the roses.  More to be added in the next two days.

Well that is all for far I have spent 29 hours on this first one. Peace, love, and baking!

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